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Unlocking Financial Access

Revolutionizing Finance with Decentralized Solutions

Earn reward NFTs when you save, invest, earn, and more

Fund and save in crypto
Buy & exchange popular cryptos
Earn interest on your crypto  

Borrow against your crypto

Manage Your Unique NFTs

Claim Free NFTs Weekly or Create Custom AI NFTs

"cmorq crypto exchange screen on mobile app where you can buy, sell, and exchange popular cryptos for free."
"cmorq crypto exchange screen on mobile app where you can buy, sell, and exchange popular cryptos for free."

Buy, sell and exchange
popular crypto coins

Go straight from dollars, Matic and more to the crypto of your choice

Dive into Metaverses and Games

Experience the fun of finance and blockchain with immersive metaverse adventures and exciting games

"cmorq crypto exchange screen on mobile app where you can buy, sell, and exchange popular cryptos for free."
"cmorq portfolio screen on mobile app  showing you can generate interest for free  by lending crypto. Token logos of Aave,  Ethereum, Matic, and Compound."

Send and receive crypto Instantly

Transfer crypto seamlessly to anywhere in the world

Generate consistent returns on your crypto and dollars

Setup your crypto wallet in under 5 minutes. Your wallet is non-custodial so your funds are never held by anyone else

"cmorq portfolio screen on mobile app  showing you can generate interest for free  by lending crypto. Token logos of Aave,  Ethereum, Matic, and Compound."

Unlock you financial access in 5 simple steps

Your wallet, your tokens. We never hold your assets and we never will.


Download the app

Download the mobile app for Android or iOS


Create your wallet

Create a wallet immediately after install



Fund your wallet and get an NFT


Invest and Operate

Invest, send, earn, and more seamlessly


Buy & Manage NFTs

Easily purchase and collect you very own NFTs

Download OpenFi
Set up a wallet that works for you
Get rewarded in crypto while you do so.
Download OpenFi
Set up a wallet that works for you
Get rewarded in crypto while you do so

What our users are saying

Marcos S


Nothing better than receiving NFTs for free, right? And that's what this app does, in a relaxed and fun way, with games and other interactions.

Jeferson M


Excellent app for earning NFTs and saving crypto assets. There is a WhatsApp group in Portuguese with excellent support!

George B


An application that allows you to earn money with Matic and Ethereum cryptocurrency, playing and winning NFTs, and you transfer it via pix!



This app is where I point anyone new to crypto. This feels like the only product taking the complexity OUT of crypto, instead of adding more...

Bean Towner


The user interface is much easier to navigate and work with compared to Coinbase...



...I was able to delete 3 different apps because cmorq has it all in one place!...

Ex-Google scientist: What happens once a billion people use DeFi?

Ex-Google scientist: What happens once a billion people use DeFi?

Do you have any questions? We have answers for you

Getting started

Privacy and security

*Please note that DeFi services are not available in the U.S. and services offered could vary regionally due to local regulation requirements